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SAML / federation support
Does ProGet Free (or Enterprise Basic) support SAML / federation?
RadProduct: ProGet
Version: 3.8.6
It's not built in, but you could implement this through a custom User Directory.
Hi Alana,
Thanks for getting back to me. Could you please elaborate more on the topic? Are you saying we'd have to create our own User Directory and map AD users to it? Or do it via groups somehow? Any further info would be greatly appreciated.
A UserDirectory is a extensible component in ProGet that queries an external directory of principals (such as ActiveDirectory) to (1) authenticates users given a name/password, and (2) get groups for a particular authenticated user. It's like a lightweight MembershipProvider in ASP.NET.
Hi Alana,
I see. Could you please provide some documentation / instructions for that as I don't see anything specific in ProGet Documentation.
I'm afraid we don't currently have any guides/tutorials on creating a custom UserDirectory, as this is a very rarely used piece of functionality. If you inherit from the UserDirectoryBase class, the methods should be fairly straighforward as far as what to implement.
However you can use reflector or another disassembler to see how the current directories work however, or request the code files for them.
The Active Directory user directory has since been open-sourced here: https://github.com/Inedo/inedox-inedocore/blob/master/InedoCore/InedoExtension/UserDirectories/ADUserDirectory.cs