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How often one needs to re-activate ProGet license
We have ProGet license, but we got an error today that activation key is invalid. As servers has no external connections to internet we needed to create new activation key manual. I can't find this documented, does anyone know what is expiration cycle? Or how long activation keys stay valid.
There are a few things that could cause re-activation of ProGet, or any of our products:
- The software was moved to a different system
- Changing or adding a license key
- The software was installed on virtual machine that changes CPU IDs or network interfaces when it restarts (to prevent this, configure the network adapter of the virtual machine hosting the software to be a static value)
- A new network interface was added
- Upgrading to a minor or major version of the software
The License Key Activation Documentation explains in more detail as well.
Hope that helps,
@atripp . Thank you very much. Especially for pointing to right docs.