Hello @izzy95453_1154,
I completely understand you frustration here and I will bring these comments up with the documentation team. I believe the documentation you are looking for exists in our private container registry documentation, but I will summarize it below.
Looking at your commands, I can definitely help you with this. The first thing you will need to do, is setup a private container registry. The Docker client by default requires SSL. Looking at your commands, you are currently using an HTTP protocol. This will require you to setup an insecure registry.
If you are requiring authentication, you then need to login to your registry. You can log in either with a username and password or you can generate an API Key and use api
as the username and the key as your password. You can do that with the following command:
docker login {my-proget-domain}:{my-proget-port}
Once you have setup your insecure registry and logged in (if not using anonymous access) then you should be ready to pull your image. To pull the image above, the command syntax would be:
docker pull {my-proget-domain}:{my-proget-port}/{docker-feed-name}/mssql/server:2019-latest
The reason you are getting the syntax error above is because you are specifying http://. Docker requires just the server and port. I also want to point out that the Docker client requires a .
in your domain name or :{port}
to exist in the first url section. That is what the Docker CLI uses to identify this is a private registry and not Docker Hub. For example:
- ProGet URL:
using the standard HTTP port 80, Docker URLproget-server:80\{feed-name}\{image}:{tag}
- ProGet URL:
using the standard HTTP port 80, Docker URL:proget.localhost\{feed-name}\{image}:{tag}
- ProGet URL:
, Docker URL:proget-server:2365\{feed-name}\{image}:{tag}
In ProGet 6, we will be adding Feed usage instructions that should help guide users going forward. ProGet 6 will be released later this year.
Hope this helps!
~ Dan