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What are the limitations of the free and other versions?

  • What are the limitations on the free version? I saw this question, which listed these limitations:

    • Active Directory / LDAP Integration
    • Filter Packages by Name & License
    • Load Balancing & High Availability
    • Granular Privileges & Security

    but then I saw on this page that it looks like the symbols server is only available on the enterprise verison. Is there a detailed table of the differences between all the versions?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.6.0

  • Here is the "draft" list that will be posted on the website soon (Free, Basic, Load Balanced, High Availability):

    Features						F	B	L	H
    Unlimited Users					X	X	X	X
    NuGet Server					X	X	X	X
    NuGet Package Symbol Server		X	X	X	X
    Chocolatey Package Server		X	X	X	X
    npm Registry Server				X	X	X	X
    Bower Server					X	X	X	X
    Maven Server (beta)				X	X	X	X
    License Filtering					X	X	X
    Connector Filtering					X	X	X
    Feed-level User Privileges			X	X	X
    Active Directory Integration		X	X	X
    Package Retention Policies			X	X	X
    MyGet Feed Synchronization			X	X	X
    Package Statistics					X	X	X
    Custom Licensing Agreement			*	X	X
    Multiple Web Servers					X	X
    Multiple Index Servers						X
    Automatic Failover							X                
    * w/ purchase of 5 or more servers

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