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Support for HP Fortify

  • Is there currently, or any planned support for HP Fortify. Or any experience with customers who may have created any form of integration for Fortify?

    Thanks, Byron

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.6.2

  • Hi Byron -

    We do have a number of BuildMaster users who utilize the "Attach Build Report Action" to capture the output of a Fortify Static Code Analyzer scan after running it via the command-line; it's a general-purpose Action that will basically attach the report to the build so that everyone has visibility on the scan.

    Others will use Coverity for static analysis in the same manner.

    It would be relatively easy to build a "first-class" extension for Fortify, and as an enterprise customer, we'd be happy to work closely with you develop one should you want a bit tighter integration.



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