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Pro Get Errors Based On Request From NuGet UI in Visual Studio
I get an error when attempting to connect to the ProGet package feed within Visual Studio. I have used Fiddler to detect the actual traffic.
Error: Nullable object must have a value
http://PackageServer/nuget/Default/Search()/$count?$filter=IsLatestVersion&searchTerm='My Search%27&targetFramework=%27net45%27&includePrerelease=false
Amended version works (remove $count):
http://PackageServer/nuget/Default/Search()/?$filter=IsLatestVersion&searchTerm='My Search%27&targetFramework=%27net45%27&includePrerelease=false
I can see that the problem is caused by the $count part of this URL, but I can't change this as the URL is generated by Visual Studio. What can be done to work around this issue?
Product: ProGet
Version: 3.5.5
Once in a while this issue gets reported, but we've never been able to reproduce it here. Usually restarting the ProGet website will fix this. You can easily do that by going to the Admin->All Settings page and clicking Save. If you do that, does it help?
Yes - that worked for me. Thank you.