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Problem with nuget.exe list

  • We are evaluating ProGet, but we are currently facing issues with the “nugget.exe list” command.

    Our build tool uses the following command to find the latest version of a given package:

    nuget.exe list "Id:XXX && Version:1.2.*" –allversions

    This command works find on both "nuget.org" and on our existing nuget server, but it always returns nothing on ProGet.
    Is this a bug, or just some feature that you don’t support?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.0

  • ProGet does not support search terms like that.

    Curious, what is the build tool doing with this information that can't already be accomplished simply getting the latest package?

  • We have multiple versions that we support in parallel, so we need to get the latest version of the "1.2" line, for example.

    Please consider adding support for search terms in the future - this seem to work fine with both the NuGet.Server and the NuGet.Lucene open-source implementations, and is documented in the official nuget "Search Syntax":


  • Thanks - somehow I missed that in the docs before. I will add this as an open issue (PG-221).

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