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Changing server context in the middle of a script
Is there any practical reason why an OtterScript script cannot issue a
for server
call in a job that does not use custom targeting? The limitation seems arbitrary at first glance.Say, for example, as part of my orchestration, I want to run a job against a list of servers, or an environment and for each one of those resolved servers I want to run an isolated step on a common ancillary server, I simply can't.
I can either...
- set the job to target servers by name (or role / env), and lose the ability to switch to the ancillary in the script
- set the job to custom targeting, and lose the ability to easily select against which servers I want to run the main script
For example, I could want to run the following contrived example script against a subset of my machines...
set $hostname = $EnvironmentVariable(COMPUTERNAME); set $macaddr = $PSEval((Get-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix '' | Sort { $_.RouteMetric + $_.ifMetric } | Select -First 1 | Get-NetAdapter).MacAddress); for server 'common-dhcp' { set $nextip = $SHEval(/opt/dhcp/dhcpctl get-next-ip); Exec( FileName: /opt/dhcp/dhcpctl Arguments: set-reservation $macaddr $nextip ); } for server 'common-dc' { Create-File( Name: "X:\known-servers\${hostname}.txt", Text: $macaddr ); }
I could create an input variable of type Text, and manually type the server names into that prompt; then
that value, and hope I got the names right -- not fun for more than a few Servers.I could create a script-specific role and require that I pre-populate it before running the script. However, I can easily see that leading to mistakes, as the management of the role is separate to the running of the script -- re-running from the History view would be fraught, for example.
I could create an input variable of type List, then compose a separate script, with the sole purpose of peforming some
/ (some horrid JSON manipulation) /Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaftItem
to periodically update the list with selectable server names -- but this is borderline insanity.
Otter already has a decent server / role / environment selector -- I just lose access to it if my script needs to
for server
.Assuming there really is a good reason why we can't change context in a targeted script, then could we perhaps have a dedicated Input Variable type (e.g. Object List), which could be automatically populated with servers, roles or environments (with single- or multi-select), so we can emulate the existing, user-friendly targeting in
for server
scripts?(I note there seems to be a specific input variable type for Universal Packages, so I assume the concept of custom controls exists. I'd look at maybe extending this myself, but I don't think custom variable types are an extensible point in the SDK.)
Hi @jimbobmcgee,
This restriction is for security purposes, specifically to enable the usecase of Otter enabling end-users to create/edit/run scripts, but not decide where they are run. So the
for server
is locked unless the targeting is set to None.The solution is to indeed add a variable that allows you to select a server... but as you noticed, you'd have to type in a list. We simply ran out of time to bring those over from BuildMaster unfortunately, and this is not really a popular Otter requirement.
But sure it's possible, it's called a
. Here is the code from BuildMaster that you could probably copy/paste into a custom extension.But the issue is that you don't have access to
in the SDK. Kind of a pain, but you could either reference Otter.Core.dll in your Nuget Package, use reflection, call DB directrly, etc.[Category("Infrastructure")] [DisplayName("Servers")] [Description("Servers configured in BuildMaster, optionally filtered by one or more environments")] public sealed class ServerListVariableSource : BuildMasterDynamicListVariableType { [Persistent] [DisplayName("Environment filter")] [PlaceholderText("Any environment")] [Inedo.Web.SuggestableValue(typeof(EnvironmentNameSuggestionProvider))] public string EnvironmentsFilter { get; set; } private class EnvironmentNameSuggestionProvider : ISuggestionProvider { public async Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetSuggestionsAsync(IComponentConfiguration config) => (await DB .Environments_GetEnvironmentsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) .Select(e => e.Environment_Name); } public async override Task<IEnumerable<string>> EnumerateListValuesAsync(VariableTemplateContext context) { var values = (await DB.Environments_GetEnvironmentsAndServersAsync(false).ConfigureAwait(false)) .EnvironmentServers_Extended .Where(es => es.Server_Active_Indicator) .Where(es => string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.EnvironmentsFilter) || string.Equals(this.EnvironmentsFilter, es.Environment_Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .Select(es => es.Server_Name) .Distinct(); return values; } public override RichDescription GetDescription() { if (this.EnvironmentsFilter?.Length > 0) return new RichDescription("Servers in ", new ListHilite(this.EnvironmentsFilter), " environments."); else return new RichDescription("Servers in all environments."); } }
It is on our list to "Make Job Template Varible Editor Closer to Pipeline Variable Editor", it's just not trivial and not a huge priority on our products roadmap (https://inedo.com/products/roadmap)
Thanks @atripp -- I can't believe I missed
in the SDK!Thansk for posting the BuildMaster equivalent -- I'll look to see if I can adapt. As you say, the lack of
may make this more challenging.Out of interest, how resilient are extensions to mismatched versions of InedoSdk and/or Otter.Core? Would I have recompile/redistribute an extension each time Otter is updated?
Regarding the security issue, I'm not entirely certain I agree – perhaps, as the sole administrator / runner, my use case is vastly different from others. Agree to disagree
Maybe, in a multi-user scenario, a valid middle ground might be to consider allowing Job authors to limit the servers that can be
for server
'd into, i.e. as a property of the job, rather than cutting off all access tofor server
.Or maybe allowing defining a
for server
privilege on servers / roles / environments themselves, so that certain users are allowed to issue that command in jobs scripts, and resolving the permissions at runtime.(I'm sure you've considered this before.)