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3rd Party Repository Feed error

  • Whenever I try to create a feed on a 3rd party repository using "Create New Feed" -> "Maven Artifacts" -> "Connect to Another Feed," it ends with a 500 error. Although the wizard creates a suitable connector, it doesn't create the feed itself. I have to manually recreate it afterward with "No Connectors (private artifacts only)" and then manually connect it with the connector.
    Is this a Bug or expected behaviour?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @proget-markus-koban_7308,

    This is not expected behavior. Can you please tell me which version of ProGet you are using?


  • Hi Rich,
    we updated to Version 2023.33 (Build 1) yesterday and we still got the error.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @proget-markus-koban_7308,

    I have a feeling that there was a problem connecting to the third-party Maven index. Which third-party Maven index where you trying to connect to? Also, can you try creating a blank Maven feed and then add the connector to it and see if you can pull artifacts from it? This would help to point us in a direction of where the issue may exist.


  • Hello Rich,

    the issue seems to be that when creating the feed, 2 connectors are being created. One connector has the predefined name, while the other is generated arbitrarily from existing feed names.
    Create Feed > Maven Artifacts> Connect to another Feed> Connect to another Feed>
    Connector name: test-connector
    Endpoint URL: http://www.dcm4che.org/maven2
    Name Feed>
    Feed Name: test-feed
    Create Feed>

    After creating the feed, the following 2 connectors exist:

    npm-internal (named after another existing feed)
    In the event log, you can see that first the correct connector is created, then the feed is created. After that, a second connector is created, which is the only one associated with the feed.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @proget-markus-koban_7308,

    Thank you for all the extra detail. I was able to recreate this issue and fix it as part of, PG-2628. This fixed will be released this Friday in ProGet 2023.34 and 2024.1.


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