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Feature request: View html documentation published as universal package when previewing folder with index.html

  • Just wanted to post a feature request 😊

    If in a universal package in proget and you press Files and then Preview on a folder and that folder contains an index.html it would be frikkin awsome if Proget could open a new tab with the whole documentation vizualized 😍

    c7eb3ab0-5a03-4253-b33b-e689412d7d2d-Screenshot from 2023-10-12 14-14-59.png

    This would mean that we could use proget both for storing docs artifacts as well as for people to watch the documentation 😍

    As it is today we have to publish our sphinx or mkdocs htmls both as an artifact to Proget with the correct version as well as to a webserver which hosts the documentation where people can watch it.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @carl-westman_8110 ,

    Thanks for the feature request! I'm afraid this one's a bit too niche to implement as described, and this use case isn't something we'd want to support for Universal Packages.

    However, Asset Directories are a good fit for this, and one of the use cases is a Static CDN. So that means you could use it for web assets like docs if you wanted.

    You'll still need to publish the docs like you would to the other webserver. And of course you could hyperlink to the document root from the universal package description as well.



  • I understand :) thanks for the quick answer!

    Just want to say that Proget really is a super product :) been stuck with Azure Artifacts for a while and getting into a self hosted Proget instance really is a relief, all the features I was missing in ADO Artifacts now work as expected and we can actually use Universal Packages :) So thanks for that, keep up the good work!

  • inedo-engineer

    Thanks @carl-westman_8110 , I appreciate the feedback!!

    As someone coming from Azure Artifacts, I'd love to get your impression on our draft ProGet vs Azure Artifacts page - we're slowly starting to try to articulate the high-level differences and benefits to ProGet. But I swear marketing copy about the software is harder to write than the software itself 😅

    We also have BuildMaster vs. Azure DevOps comparison page too, though it's quite a bit more involved.

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