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NuGet Feed API Endpoint URL Returns 404

  • I have created a Proget instance with a NuGet feed and am trying to access the packages hosted there. However, when I try to access the API endpoint URL provided in the feed, the server returns a 404 error. I'm having difficulty troubleshooting the issue as I'm not sure why the web interface would be accessible, but the API end point would not be. Any help would be much appreciated.


    Response when attempting to send a GET request to the API endpoint URL:

    <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
    <center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
    <hr><center>nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)</center>

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @cole-bagshaw_3056 ,

    The web interface and API are powered by the same program (the ProGet web server application), so if the UI is accessible so would the API, as you noticed.

    In this case, this error message is coming from your reverse proxy (NGINX); I would check with your configuration there, as something is misconfigured.

    The first and most obvious thing I would check is the hostname/port of your URLs. It's possible that you're accessing different hosts/domains. This is controlled by the X-Forwarded headers.

    Hope that points you in the right direction


  • Hi @stevedennis,

    Thanks for the reply. It turns out my default nginx server was intercepting all http traffic and not allowing requests to get to the Proget server.

    I solved the issue by disabling the default server (removing it from sites-enabled) and making some config changes to the Proget nginx config file to stop the server from redirecting http traffic to https.

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