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ProGet - troubleshooting intermittent slow response
We've just started using Maven feeds for the first time on a long-standing ProGet (Free Tier) server, and we're seeing some unusual behaviour - I'm not sure if this is an issue with our server in general or something to do with ProGet...
The long and short is that some non-existent packages on our ProGet server respond with a "Not Found" immediately (<200ms), but others take almost exactly 42 seconds to do the same thing.
For example:
https://myProGetServer/maven2/myMavenFeed/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-starter-parent/2.1.8.RELEASE - 42 seconds
https://myProGetServer/maven2/myMavenFeed/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-starter-parent - 180 milliseconds
Our dev team is using two Maven repositories in their config files - the public Maven Central repository and our internal ProGet server, with the ProGet server being queried first. The package above isn't available on our ProGet server but the build process still looks there first.
I've tried querying the above using PowerShell outside of our build process:
measure-object { Invoke-WebRequest $uri }
and I get the same result for the timings.
If I use IIS Failed Request Tracing I get the following entries when I query a slow url, which seems to be where the bulk of the 42 seconds comes from:
... 91. AspNetHttpHandlerEnter 12:40:22.242 92. AspNetHttpHandlerLeave 12:41:04.398 ...
I've also tried some fabricated urls to see how they behave:
https://myProGetServer/maven2/myMavenFeed/1/2/3.pom - 172 milliseconds
https://myProGetServer/maven2/myMavenFeed/1/2/3/4.pom - 42 seconds
https://myProGetServer/maven2/myMavenFeed/1/2/3/4 - 183 milliseconds
It's entirely possible this is something to do with other software running on our virtual machine - e.g. McAfee or whatever, but can anyone confirm if they're seeing the same behaviour or not?
I'd also like to know if there are any detailed logs I could look at to see what is happening inside the AspNetHttpHandlerEnter / AspNetHttpHandlerLeave section.
This is on ProGet Version 5.1.22 (Build 5) in case it's a known issue...
Hi @mike_4027 ,
I would definitely recommend upgrading; 5.1 is a couple major versions behind.
The issue is most certainly related to the connector; when you disable it, do you get a near-immediate 404? Under Admin > Diagnostic Center, you may see connector errors/warnings as well.
Once you confirm it's the connector, then the next best thing to do would be to monitor the traffic between ProGet and the internet. This involves setting up a Proxy (Fiddler works nicely), and then having ProGet connect to that proxy (Admin > Proxy). You should be able to identify corresponding requests, and maybe we'll see something there!
Let us know what you find,
Hi Alana,
Thanks for the reply.
We've got a ticket on our backlog to upgrade, but we're blocked for ... reasons ... and we might not be able to do that for a while.
We managed to kludge a workaround - there's only one dev team using Maven feeds so we suggested they give the Maven Central a feed higher priority in their build config so it scans that first - it seems to have at least hidden the issue for the time being :-).
I'll follow up if we've still got the issue after upgrading, whenever that might be...
Thanks again,