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Cannot add the principal 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

  • Hello,

    when trying to install the current version of proget (custom MSql Server) I experience the following error during installation: "Cannot add the principal 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE', because it does not exist or you do not have permission." This happens after the successful creation of the database but stop the installation process. What can I do?

    Best regards,

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.16

  • Hello

    I guess you use the Hub Installer to install Proget.

    Try to install using the exe file , it should work.

    The same problem exist, at least for me, with HedgeHog and BuildMaster. Install failed if using Hub but works with the exe file.

    Hope this help

    Best Regards


  • Thanks, I also found out, when using the Proget installer (not Indeo Hub) it works.

  • We've been looking at this issue and it seems that the non-Hub installer simply catches this exception and moves on. Did the software function normally after installation in this case?

    We think this happens with some installations of SQL Server, which sometimes localizes the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE login, changing its name in the process. We have tested installation with several different language/locale settings, and haven't been able to reproduce the problem, but clearly it has been affecting a number of people.

    We can attempt to fix this anyway by using a SID instead of the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE string, but we don't know for sure that this will resolve the problem.

    Can you verify that you are installing in an environment with a default language that is not English? We want to make sure we are solving the correct problem.

    Thank you!

  • Hello,

    Yes, with the non-hub installer proget seem to run normally and yes I can confirm that I installed it on a wondows server 2016 with german language.

    Best regards

  • Proget non hub installer on French W2016 Core server with remote SQL db is working fine
    The pb exist with BuildMaster Hedgehog but not with Otter

    Best regards

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