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Assigning packages to license types

  • The ability to assign a package to a license type only appears for a subset of packages, it seems only those which contain a licenseURL in the nuspec (using NuGet as an example) allow the association to be made. Some packages could still be attributed accurately to a license type as people have been know to put refer to the license in the description for example.
    Is there any way to make that association if the UI does not make it available?
    Are there any plans to update the UI to allow it in the future?

    There is no way in the UI to visualize that a package is blocked from download because you have applied controls to the allowed license types with out going into each package. Has any thought been given to visualizing that on the feed summary page?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.12

  • inedo-engineer

    This is by design; it is the responsibility of a package author to license a package, and make sure that it's a standard license. This way, automated licensing monitoring can catch it. However, as you've noticed, this isn't the case for a lot of open source packages.

    So, in this case, you'll want to use a different workflow. Just create a "approved packages" feed, and promote approved packages into these feeds.

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