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How to load .EXE/JARs into ProGet With Upack

  • I am attempting to load build artifacts that are create with Bamboo. In this particular case, I am taking an setup.exe file and trying to upload it into ProGet. Here's what I did:

    1. I create a simple upack.json file, which contained only the name and version of the file

    2. I entered the upack command as follows:

    upack C:\location_of_upack_json_file C:\my_setup.exe --targetDirectory=C:\mytargetDir\build_artifacts

    Nothing worked. Here are some of the things that happened:

    1. FileNotFound exception for the path of the setup.exe file
    2. Permission error exceptions (even when I executed up upack with admin privileges).

    So my question is this. What is the exact syntax that I need to use upack to upload and download my build artifacts. The ProGet documentation is not exactly concise on this issue. Please advise.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.12

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Charles,

    upack pack expects a directory, not an individual file, so the command should be:

    upack pack C:\location_of_upack_json_file C:\directory_containing_my_setup_exe --targetDirectory=C:\mytargetDir\build_artifacts

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