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Cannot find web application path

  • After installing ProGet from installer I get following error when running ProGet.Service.exe run webonly (or starting service):

    Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find web application path.
       w Inedo.ProGet.Service.ProGetWebService.GetCanonicalWebAppPath()
       w Inedo.ProGet.Service.ProGetWebService.GetWebServerConfig(IEnumerable`1 urls)
       w Inedo.ProGet.Service.ProGetWebService.OnStart()
       w Inedo.WindowsServices.InedoService.Start()
       w Inedo.ProGet.Service.Program.run(WebServerMode mode, Boolean runAsService, String urls)

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.11

  • inedo-engineer

    Assuming ProGet.Service.exe is in C:\Program Files\ProGet\Service, there should be a folder named C:\Program Files\ProGet\WebApp. Does the WebApp folder exist?

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