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Unable to View Docker Package in ProGet after successful push

  • I'm unable to view newly added Docker Package in ProGet after successful push. I see the package name library\packagename but when clicking on the package link I get the following error.

    An error occurred getting the package: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: packageVersion

    here is my example:
    sudo docker tag sonarqube:5.6 myprogetserver:443/mydocker/sonarqube:5.6
    sudo docker push myprogetserver:443/mydocker/sonarqube:5.6

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.4

  • Hi Sean,

    This was fixed in 4.7.5 as

    PG-752 - FIX: Possible exception viewing docker repository details page

    I'd recommend upgrading to the latest version to resolve this.

  • Thanks Dean.

    We have upgraded to ProGet 4.7.5 which resolves the error but now we can't view any details about the package. All we see is a blank page. I'm preparing for a demo of ProGet to a group of people. I need this Docker features working. Please help me resolve this issue.


  • Hi Dean,

    I'm getting one error that I can see under development tools(F12) in Chrome Browser. This may be the cause for not able to view any details about the package.

    It is hitting the URL and getting "Object of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to type 'System.Int32'."




  • Note that these are different issues.

    Please upgrade to the latest ProGet to resolve this and the other issue. As of this post, that's 4.7.8. However, we do release often so if another one comes out before then, pick that one :)

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