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Delete feed error in ProGet 4.0.2 Linux

  • When I click "Delete Feed" in Manage Feeds, I get the error.

    System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> Npgsql.NpgsqlException:
    update or delete on table "Feeds" violates foreign key constraint "FK__EventOccurrences__Feeds" on table "EventOccurrences"
    Severity: ERROR
    Code: 23503
    at Npgsql.NpgsqlState+<ProcessBackendResponses>d__0.MoveNext () <0x40e644c0 + 0x0150b> in <filename unknown>:0

    Is there a newer Linux build than 4.0.2 that addresses this? Or a way to switch the DB library from SQL server to Postgres on the newer manual releases?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.4

  • We're working on a new ProGet for Linux release -- as you can see, that one still has a few issues.

  • Any update on this?

    I noticed 4.0.10 was released recently, but the Docker image hasn't been updated in awhile and the AWS link in the Dockerfile doesn't work if I change 4.0.2 to 4.0.10...

  • Unfortunately not; the biggest hold up has been trying to figure out why there is some really strange/buggy behavior with some of async handling in .NET 4.5 (Mono) runtime on Linux. Plus, with SQL Server coming to Linux soon, we may reconsider our Postgres strategy as well...

    Things on the Mono/.NETCore seem to be a bit in flux after the Xamarin acquisition, but fortunately, Microsoft is quite keen on figuring this out as well w/ their Linux push, but unfortunately we don't have an ETA on when they will be addressed.

  • Hi Alana,

    Thanks for the comprehensive answer. Looks like things are still quite away off then. It's a pity mono is not more stable right now, hopefully Microsoft will put in some investment, but it looks like SQL Server is not going to be available until for at least another year.

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