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Error while trying to execute nuget list command

  • Hi,

    We are encountering below issue while trying to get the list of nuget packages by executing:

    nuget list -Source http://mynuget.com/nuget/myFeedName


    WARNING: Could not connect to the feed specified at 'http://mynuget.com/nuget/myFeedName'. Please verify that the package source (located in the Package Manager Settings) is valid and ensure your network connectivity.

    And sometimes I am getting 'No packages found.' message.

    Can anyone give some inputs to fix this.

    Note that, out of 10 attempts.. 4 attempts is failing with this error.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.8

  • In this case, you will need to diagnose why your computer (client) is unable to connect to the server (ProGet). It could be so many things.... bad wireless reception, the server is turned off, or anything in between.

    Suggest to use Wireshark to see where packets/information is being lost, or work with your network engineers to see why this is happening.

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