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Documentation for Authorized Tasks part II
Re: Feeds_OverwriteFeed permission
Alana said: In the case of Feeds_OverwritePackage, if you do not
have that task, then you will not be able to add/push a package that
already exists. This is the default behavior of public feeds like
nuget.org, npmjs.org, etc. -- once it's added, you cannot remove
or update it.Does this apply to a specific Id + Version of a package, or just the Id? In other words, can a new version (or at least a version with a new version number) be published?
Product: ProGet
Version: 3.8.6
Good question; in all package managers, a "package" always refers to unique instance (i.e. a single .nupkg, a POM, etc.). Different package managers consider uniqueness different:
- in NuGet, this is Id + Version
- in Maven, this is Group + Artifact Name + Version
So, that task indicates if you can overwrite a package already added.