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Using windows authentication to connect to SQL Server

  • Hi,

    Currently we have given BM ServiceAaccount access to SQL Servers and using Integrated authentication to connect to SQL Servers.

    We would like to use the deployment user's windows account to be used to connect to SQL Servers instead of giving BM ServiceAccount access to SQL Servers.

    Could you please give us the instructions on how this can be accomplished?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.9.2

  • Are you referring to connecting to the BuildMaster database, or connecting to databases you have configured in the Database Connections section within BuildMaster?

    The former cannot be done as it must use the account that hosts the web application or service. The latter cannot be done through the web application with Integrated authentication because BuildMaster does not impersonate users like that - you must use SQL Authentication and specify the credentials in the connection string if you want to go that route.

    The other alternative is to create a Change Script Deployment tool, and have the respective users run the tool as their own accounts, though of course this requires manual intervention.

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