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Prepare ClickOnce Application - does not reflect what is in the publish settings for Visual Studio

  • Hi,

    I am using the "Prepare ClickOnce Application" action but am finding it difficult to determine what the settings represent - as it does not reflect what is in the publish settings for Visual Studio (2013).

    What is the difference between the "Source directory" and the "Application Code Base Directory" ?

    Also where is the output/target directory after this action completes - or where is this set?

    Thanks in advance,

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.6

  • The Click Once Action is essentially a wrapper around mage.exe; you can see exactly how this is wrapping that utility in the source code: the source code, and what those options mean at msdn.

    The AppCodeBase is the deployment root of your application in IIS, generally "/", but it could be "/MyApp" or something as well.

    If you specify "CopyFiles" in the action, then the application files and manifest will be in whatever target directory you specify. If you do not specify a source and target directory, then the default/working directory will be used for both (which means the output will be exactly where the input was -- in the $CurrentDirectory).

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