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Clone application - copy deployment step corruption
If I create a new application using the 'duplicate existing' process
Application to clone: X
New application name: XP (X Patch)- Copy deployment plans
Going into the newly copied deployment steps for new XP:QA steps have all my X:Production steps, XP:Staging has X:QA and XP:Production has X;Staging
Everything was copied over but with a shifted Deployment value, which is obviously quite scary since now my "QA" release just tried to go to prod without being vetted.
Is it possible to easily move all the steps from one deployment to another without going to each individual execution group -> copy to ... target deployment group, insert at step... across every single group on every single deployment?
Product: BuildMaster
Version: 4.7.2
You can just edit the workflow step and select the deployment plan you want for that particular workflow step.
There was a bug fixed in the v4.7.4 version that caused this behavior, typically when combined with Build Steps and multiple workflows. If you upgrade to the latest maintenance release for your minor version (i.e. v4.7.5) the copy should work as designed in all cases.