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Deploy ProGet as a website to a host environment?

  • We would like the option to deploy and host ProGet as a website. For example, in either a shared hosting environment as a website or as a web app on Azure. ProGet has a wizard driven installer, and I chose the IIS site option, that sets up a website and a windows service. I have a few questions in regards to this:

    1. Is it possible to setup ProGet as a website like I am trying to do?

    2. What is the purpose of the website itself versus the windows service? Is the windows service really necessary if we have the IIS site?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.7.1

  • The INEDOPROGETSVC service is used by ProGet to perform background tasks (indexing, cleanup, etc) and is required to run ProGet.

    The only options (right now anyway) to install the ProGet web application are:

    • IIS-hosted
    • Integrated web server (this is essentially a 2nd Windows service)
    • Linux via Docker (currently v4.0 in beta)

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