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Information about $PSCredential

  • So I am trying to figure out the $PSCredential property. I am assuming it's not as simple as just putting a password in plain text for everyone to see? That would be a total no-go. I am assuming that it is pulling the password that is stored from the user specified in "Resource Credentials"?

    If not, is there a way to pull those credentials from "Resource Credentials"? I see in each user, there is a "$GetCredentialProperty() function". I tried searching for an example of that without much luck. I Found this https://inedo.com/support/questions/5094 but doesn't shed alot of light except reinforce my belief of a password in plain text. Can anyone provide an example of how that works? Thanks!

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.1.0

  • Apparently this was updated in BuildMaster but not Otter, here is the documentation for the updated version that also applies to yours, substituting $CredentialProperty for $GetCredentialProperty:

    # ProGetCreds is an instance of Inedo Product Credentials (i.e. InedoProduct::ProGetCreds) with 'Allow encrypted properties...' checked

    set $key = $CredentialProperty(ProGetCreds, ApiKey);
    set $host = $CredentialProperty(ProGetCreds, Host);
    Log-Debug Getting ProGet package from $host with API key: $key;
        Credentials: ProGetCreds,
        Feed: hdars-1k,
        Name: hdars,
        Directory: $WorkingDirectory

    Additionally, I will notify our product director to add an issue to fix this in Otter (it would still be backwards compatible, but the canonical name would become $CredentialProperty)

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