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Custom packages we uploaded no longer there after upgrade

  • After our upgrade to 5.1.7 (free) from a 4.1.3 version, we lost most, if not all of our custom internal packages that we had uploaded. We noticed this only after having run in production for a while. It got worse when we converted the feeds to the v2 version when we were prompted to do so in the UI. In looking at backups of the DB, after the upgrade, it seems the packages are there in the NuGetPackages table, but they are not visible in the UI.

    Is there anything we can do to add these packages back in besides finding the version of them in NuGet package cache somewhere and re-uploading them? Any recommendations you may have, including going back to the old version we were running, would be great.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.7

  • inedo-engineer

    ProGet most definitely does not "lose package" on an upgrade, so there must have been some sort of configuration change, either in the ProGet software (retention policy, package store), or external to the software (files deleted from disk).

    It's highly unlikely that this configuration changed as part of the upgrade, particularly from those versions. Most likely, your database backups just happened to be dated from before the upgrade because the installer will auto-backup for you; so, the upgrade is really a red herring. You can search ProGet's audit logs to see if anyone in the software deleted them.

    But regardless, if the package files are gone, and you don't have them backed up (the installer will not do this for you), then they are gone. There's nothing you can do, so I think your idea of searching for fragments from user caches, and then uploading those, is the best you can do.

    NOTE: Unless you explicitly configured a retention policy for ProGet to delete files, the software will not delete these files on disk. Even when you delete a feed or uninstall the software, the package files remain. We do this for safety purposes.

    Please make sure to read our backup and restore instructions.

  • Our database backups were explicitly taken the exact moment before the upgrade as is our practice. We do not allow ProGet to perform the backups. We did not make configuration changes on retention or package store either. Current and prior settings were to keep the latest 30 versions, and according to the docs, retention policies are ignored in the free version (meaning it "runs" them but nothing gets deleted). We switched from a paid version to the free version during this upgrade.

    We do have backups of the packages and were able to re-import them through the drop folders. I was simply looking to see if there were experiences with this and whether or not it could have been a bug in the upgrade.

    In reviewing the event log, I see the exact packages that are missing being deleted the next day at 1:52 PM by the user UNKNOWN. Is there anything internally that would use that user? From what I understand, the only users would be Admin and Anonymous if it was someone doing it via the web portal. It happened once at this time and no PKGDEL was ever logged again except for a real one by the Admin.

    We're probably going to stop looking as we've restored all of the packages, but if it helps anyone else, great! :)

  • inedo-engineer


    FYI: Retention policies should be ignored on free versions. But UNKNOWN does indicate the service user; so it's likely a retention policy job (which is run as part of feed cleanup).

    You can see the logs of those, and maybe see some more info...

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