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Avira Anti-Virus doesn't like the ProGet 3.5.7 install

  • When I tried to install ProGet 3.5.7 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 protected by Avira Server Security I got this warning:

    Avira Server Security detected suspicious code in file
    The code has the designation TR/Dropper.Gen!

    Avira quarantined bmdbupdate.exe which resulted in a failed install.

    It would not surprise me that this is a false positive by Avira, but I am very hesitant to install something that Avira is unhappy with. There is always the chance that something bad is lurking in your network and bmdbupdate.exe is indeed infected with something unwanted.

    What thoughts do you have?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.5.7

  • All of our installers are signed, our build process is isolated, and we do frequent network scans -- so it's definitely not a virus. If you want to verify it yourself, you're welcome to use a tool like .NET Reflector; it's just managed code and is not obfuscated in any way. It's just a self-contained SQL change script distribution package generated by our BuildMaster product.

    Still, every once in a while we get some part of the installer flagged by an AntiVirus scanner. Usually it's bmdbupdate.exe, since that does some "questionable-looking" things to an antivirus engine, such as embedding its dependency assemblies as resources.

    Please let them know about the false positive; the more people who do, the greater the chance they won't flag these in the future.

    Thanks for letting us know!

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