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Otter is displaying a credential password in the execution log

  • I am using the $GetCredentialProperty(cred,Password) to pass a password into a powershell script in a PSEnsure statement. The execution log renders all of the input parameters, including the password (as DEBUG log items). Is there a way to redact the the password? perhaps just turning off DEBUG log messages would be sufficient, but I do not know how to turn those DEBUG log messages off.

    #PSEnsure Statement
    Key: ConfigureNpm,
    Value: 0,
    CollectScript: Test-DefaultNpmRegistry,
    ConfigureScript: Set-NpmConfiguration,
    UseExitCode: true,
    CollectScriptParams: %(
    RegistryUrl: "$DefaultNpmPullRegistryUrl"
    ConfigureScriptParams: %(
    RegistryUrl: $DefaultNpmPullRegistryUrl,
    RegistryUsername: $GetCredentialProperty(devbuilder,Username),
    RegistryPassword: $GetCredentialProperty(devbuilder,Password),
    UserProfileName: $GetCredentialProperty(devbuilder,Username)

    #Log Output
    DEBUG: Found script Set-NpmConfiguration.ps1 in Default raft.
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter RegistryUrl=http://proget.internal.com/npm/npm
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter RegistryUsername=builderusername
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter RegistryPassword=<PASSWORD_IS_RENDERED_HERE>
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter UserProfileName=builderusername

  • Hmm, that doesn't make sense. I don't see a purpose to logging values, since you can just Log-Debug if there is a problem before runnign the script. Easy fix.

    So, if you update to the latest Windows Extension (1.3.3), the logging should be changed to:

    DEBUG: Found script Set-NpmConfiguration.ps1 in Default raft.
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter RegistryUrl...
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter RegistryUsername...
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter RegistryPassword...
    DEBUG: Assigning parameter UserProfileName...

  • Thanks Steve! That solved the issue.

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