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ProGet: Service Status shows 'OK' even when ProGet Service is stopped

  • After reinstalling ProGet on a new server (having transferred over my database and packages), when I log into the admin area, the "ProGet Service Status" area says:

    Service appears to be OK

    The problem is, this is what appears even when the Service is stopped or disabled!

    Why isn't the Web App correctly detecting the Service Status?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • The problem might be that web app does not have access to the service; in this case, you can use the ProGet.Service.exe option to grant the web user access to enable/disable the service.

  • If the app can't access the service, it seems like it shouldn't assume everything is OK, but rather indicate that it has no idea because it can't access the service. :)

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