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Npm3 support for ProGet?

  • Does or will ProGet support npm3 any time soon? We are using npm on Windows and are running into filesystem path limitation issues for which npm made improvements in version 3.

    If it does support npm 3, how to we create that feed?

    If it does not support npm 3 yet, is there a timetable as to when that feature will be added?

    Thanks so much! Dan

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • I'm not aware of server-side changes to npm for v3. Have you tried the v3 client against a ProGet feed?

  • ProGet does not work well with v3 right now. It looks like there is a serious problem with how symlinks are being handled.

    If I have the following package.json:
    "name": "myproject",
    "version": "1.2.38",
    "dependencies": {
    "mkdirp": "^0.5.1"

    npm install will fail if I'm pointing to a proxied ProGet but work if I'm pointing to the standard npm repo.

  • This appears to be a bug with the npm v3 Windows client. The JSON payloads are functionally equivalent.

    I would suggest always using --no-bin-links on Windows, since there seem to be a lot of bugs with Windows, symlinks are not that common on Windows anyway, and it offers little advantages.

  • Still investigating this but to clarify for others that may run into anything like this...

    I was seeing this issue with both the Mac and Windows clients, so it's not an issue with the symlinks being broken on Windows.

    Also, I have had zero problems with symlinks and node on Windows for anything we're doing up until now. Symlinks are very useful for running commands (like webpack) without having to create an npm script to do so.

  • Issue Resolved (mostly)!

    So in a previous test yesterday, using npm 3.3.10, I downloaded npm itself and tried to run npm install on it, and got errors while pointing to proget but it worked great pointing to the official registry.

    We still don't know why that was failing, but npm 3.3.11 just came out and now everything is working great! It's still perplexing since, as Steve was saying, the payloads are functionally equivalent, but at least it works now.

    So I would suggest upgrading npm and node. For windows, in Powershell, try using the following commands

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    npm i -g npm-windows-upgrade

  • Thanks, Dan. It looks like this resolves the issue I was seeing as well!

    Now I just have to figure out why my ProGet server won't do a full index of npm without having the connection forcibly closed, but at least I'm back in business.

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