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Problems with the FTP action

    1. How can I get the FTP action to work in binary mode? I never want isolated \n (newline) characters translated into \r\n (return, newline) characters.

    2. How can I disable this action? The [show all options] link does nothing.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.2.6

  • We will add a property to the extension shortly that will enable binary transmission - look for an extension update in the next couple hours.

    As for the [show all] link, is it possible that the extension is simply not expanding the containing modal window and the content is just hidden below the fold and would require scrolling down to see? If not, what browser are you using, and are you able to see any JavaScript errors?

  • Actually never mind - I was able to reproduce the JavaScript error as well. I will have the devs fix that as well in the next extension update.

  • If you update your FTP extension from within BuildMaster, you should be able to use Binary Mode now, and be able to disable the action.

  • Wow, what an incredibly fast response. Thanks

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