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Automatically Cache nuget packages

  • Is there a way to configure ProGet to cache proxied nuget.org packages the first time it gets installed in my project? I noticed that you have to manually log into ProGet and click the “download” button on a nuget package to actually have it available in the cache. That is not ideal for us.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.12

  • You shouldn't have to go to the web UI for that; any package that is downloaded from a connector when the feed is set to cache packages will cache them.

    You can see it in the web UI on the package details page where it says:

    Package Source
    Remote Connector (cached)

  • If this is the case, then why do I still see a button saying "Pull to ProGet" next to a nuget package that I have downloaded from a connector via Package Control Manager in VS.NET? I would expect that button to not be there anymore.

  • A "cached" package is a package that's stored locally so it doesn't have to be downloaded from the external feed, as opposed to a "local package" which is a package that is actually in the local feed. Packages are cached the first time they are requested from the external feed (whether that's by downloading it in the UI, or by using nuget restore, or downloaded via some other tool).

    Pulling a package downloads a remote package into the local feed as if you pushed it to the feed yourself, so to speak.

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