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ProGet feed with LDAP integration very slow

  • Hi

    We are using ProGet with LDAP authentication at my company, but it is very, very slow. If I turn on Fiddler and compare the timing of the web requests to the server, I can easily see the difference.

    When I try to use the Visual Studio Manage Packages dialog, for example, to list the available packages via ProGet, it takes about 0.3 seconds with integrated authentication, but 6 seconds with LDAP authentication turned on. That's a factor of 20 slower.

    Other operations that take more time, e.g. installing or updating packages take a lot longer.

    I have now switched off LDAP authentication for now, because the server has simply become too slow, but we really need it - it is one of the main reasons we bought ProGet.

    We are running ProGet on a Windows 2012 Server under IIS and ASP.NET. (I couldn't get the LDAP integration to work with the built-in web server, I kept getting authentication errors.)


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.0

  • We are actively investigating this. We put a lot of effort into solving it for BuildMaster, we should be able to apply similar enhancements for ProGet as well. We'll slate it for v3.1.1.

  • Hi

    Any idea when we can expect the improved LDAP features?


  • Apologies for the delay, for the past few weeks we've allocated all our resources to getting BuildMaster v4.4 out the door. With that out of the way, we'll be focusing on ProGet this week - we should have a new version out by this Friday (8/15/14).

  • Thanks, that is good to know.

  • Did this version make it out? AD integration is a big reason I'm looking at proget for my company but 6 seconds for package listing isn't really acceptable.

    Also I'd like to understand why LDAP integration doesn't work with the built in web server. I also can't get it working with version 3.1 but I don't get any errors.

  • We will be releasing the version with this improvement likely today (v3.1.2). There were issues with 3.1.1 that caused us to postpone the delivery date.

    @Mike - can you ask a new question regarding your LDAP issues?

  • Hi Riko

    Was this issue resolved for you I am facing similar issues with ldap in my company.

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