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Visual Mode for editing plans removes blank variables

  • When editing a plan in Text Mode I include a parameter for a Powershell script with a blank value. When switching to Visual Mode and then back to Text Mode, the parameter is removed from the plan. This causes the powershell script to fail when that parameter is required. Is it possible to turn off this behavior?

    Before (in text mode):

    PSCall post_jira_comment
        Comment: SomeMessage,
        Ticket: Issue-1,
        BlankParam: ""

    After switching to Visual and then back to Text Mode:

    PSCall post_jira_comment
        Comment: SomeMessage,
        Ticket: Issue-1

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.8.3

  • I've come across this too... but I'm pretty certain it's not going to possible. In the visual editor, all properties all text boxes that are blank by default (which means, not specified), and any characters in those boxes are always escaped ("" would become "\"\"").

    I made a variable function called $Empty that just returns "". Maybe I'll submit as a pull request to InedoCore...

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