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Using Powershell documentation header

  • I have been putting in the document header info into some scripts but in the UI nothing of it is shown. Is there only certain parts that are shown? If so which parts?
    I'm using the standard format and have tried several different parts but none of the info shows up in the UI.

    Not critical for myself but would be nice to be able to have this for when others begin using BuildMaster.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.8

  • I hadn't notice this but it does show some of the description once it has been added to the plan but where I would have expected the info to show is when I'm adding to the plan, should it be showing then?

  • The Adding and Executing PowerShell Scripts in a BuildMaster Plan tutorial gives some insight into this, and of course the source code shows precisely how the documentation header is parsed: the first of SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION are used for the "extended description" in the plan editor, and the script (file) name is used for the name.

  • thanks, yes I saw that and that is what I am using. I guess the expectation I had was to see the description or synopsis in the dialog when I am adding it a plan.
    Once it's in the plan is useful, the way it displays now, but it's when it's being added that the person adding it needs the info.

    I'll just submit a feature request, it's not a major thing just be nice for people who use them later and may not know exactly what they do without opening the full script itself or reading some other doc outside BM

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