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Reset ProGet Admin Password via API

  • Is there a preferred approach to resetting the Proget Admin password?
    I am automating the Proget build and want to reset the Admin password at build time.

    I see you can use the Proget.Service.exe to reset the password to defaults but not actually pass in your own secure password.

    It seems there is an API documented below that lets you reset the password, but I am having issues with this as Invoke-RestMethod passes a JSON body to the API which is of type string, and the API expects type Bytes

    Am I over thinking this, I'm hoping there is an easier way to set the proget admin password to something more secure

    Common API reference snippet
    Sets the password using "new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(plainTextPassword, 10, 10000)" in C#, with .GetBytes(20) for @Password_Bytes and .Salt for the @Salt_Bytes
    User_Name (String)
    Password_Bytes (Byte[])
    Salt_Bytes (Byte[])


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @forbzie22_0253 ,

    For the Native API, you would pass in a base-64 encoded string value for byte[] values. Sorry that we don't have any examples; it's not a very friendly API, and we don't call it via JSON ourselves. Most users will configure LDAP or SAML, so so this isn't a big priority for us to document or create an API for as you can understand.

    If you find something that works, please do share it here :)


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