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Error 503 when trying to restart the Proget Web Service

  • I'm encountering an error when I attempt to restart the Proget service using the button on the web page (see attached screenshot of the button in question). In my case, Proget is installed on a Windows Server 2012R2, and to restart the service, I need to open the Windows Server Services tab and restart it from there.



    My question is, how can I resolve this issue?

  • inedo-engineer

    @lucas-almeida_8120 it's hard to say; it's likely due to some kind of operating system configuration or issue that's preventing the service from restarting. We haven't seen this happen very often, and restarting the web is not a common activity.

    It's probably not worth spending time investigating or trying to resolve, especially given the age of the server. You'd probably have to look at the Windows service logs to find what the issue might be.

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