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ProGet symbol proxy

  • Hi,

    we're currently looking to migrate away from Nexus and one feature that is missing is a proxy server for symbols.


    The proxy should essentially behave similar to a NuGet caching proxy for nuget.org, but instead for the Microsoft and the NuGet symbol servers.

    Can this be done somehow or are there plans to support this?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @lm,

    Thanks for this request. We currently support some ways of hosting a symbol server in ProGet, but in ProGet v2023 we are looking to expand this support, including source links. I will bring the request for adding a symbol server proxy to ProGet to the products team to evaluate further and let you know what we decide.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @lm ,

    Can you give a little more insight into the use case for this? Why would you want to proxy these symbols?

    There doesn't seem to be much gained by caching/proxying symbols, since the symbols basically contain a pointer to a public GitHub repository (or a public source server with the older format of PDB), which wouldn't be practical to cache/proxy.


  • Pretty much for the same reason to cache NuGet packages from nuget.org.

    • Performance in the local network
    • Being able to continue working during internet outages or when "the cloud" decides to take a break
    • Having a backup of a 3rd party resource one does not control

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @lm , just to clarify...

    How do you use symbol files? Is it to "browse / step-in to code" using a debugger in Visual Studio?

    If so, caching/proxying symbols wouldn't help with those items, since the PDB is really just providing a URL to the public internet.


  • You're right, caching SourceLink enabled PDBs would be somewhat useless for outages.

    Though there are still plenty of "old-school" PDBs around, especially for native code (C/C++).

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